
Naren Shaam
Founder and CEO
Nationalities: 45
Female: 39%
Be Diverse. Be Global.
Diversity is, and has always been, at the core of what we do at GoEuro. It’s part of who we are, it features in our values.
As the company’s founder, I knew that building a diverse team would reflect the diversity of our customer base. Back when GoEuro had 10 employees, I started making sure we tracked numbers regarding a range of diversities such as gender and nationality. To develop diversity, you must keep track of progress. Metrics help you keep an eye on how diversity and inclusion fluctuate and areas that need developing.
To me, it’s a no brainer: every company needs to have a positive attitude to diversity and inclusion, and to act upon that attitude as early as possible. To be a global company providing solutions to a global customer base, you need to reflect that variety in your organisation.
Start early with diversity
Start early: This is the best way to create a diverse work base and inclusive environment. The first ten hires are crucial. And, although it is easier to start early, it’s never too late to begin a D&I strategy in your organisation. If leaders are vocal in their support of D&I, it becomes easier for managers to enact D&I policies throughout the organisation.
Change is coming to the industry. Young people want to work for organisations that they can relate to, organisations which serve a purpose.
Build diverse interview panels
To mitigate bias in hiring, and to share how important diversity is to company culture, we always structure diverse hiring panels. If you interview candidates with a diverse hiring panel consisting of multiple nationalities and genders, you send the candidate a strong message: we value diversity at our company, and this is what our work environment looks like.