The role of this website

Our mission

This publication is meant to serve as a pragmatic and actionable guide for founders and employees for companies of all sizes within the tech industry. 

We hope to promote diversity and inclusion across the industry so that everyone, regardless of background, has a fair chance to succeed in tech. 

Who should read this publication? 

We have written this report to specifically target founders within the tech industries. 

However, founders can’t do it all on their own. We want to give employees – especially HR professionals and Diversity and Inclusion leads – ways to convince others who have not yet made diversity or inclusion a priority. We want every tech employee to understand diversity and inclusion and its benefits. We also encourage investors, customers, politicians and national leaders to use their considerable influence to accelerate understanding and change. 

How to use this guide 

This document is made up of five parts, and describes the process of changing behaviours and attitudes towards diversity and inclusion. For those serious about making lasting changes to their business, we recommend reading this publication in its entirety. 

There’s more work to be done. And we need your help! 

There is more work to do. The dialogue on diversity and inclusion is still relatively young; each company is different and many practices and tools are early in their development. This guide is therefore intended to prompt the type of questions companies should be asking: it is not a prescriptive set of rules to follow. It is up to the companies themselves to continually debate, innovate around and attend to D&I, to respond to the needs of employees, customers, investors and the wider world. 

This publication is intended as a living resource. We strongly encourage your feedback, along with any suggestions or additions you may have. Please do not hesitate to get in touch here.